Sunday, October 14, 2012

The cutest pumpkins

On Saturday we went to the pumpkin patch. Super fun! Mom says its one of my last big outings (whatever that means)

 I posed handsomely for my photos!

 Then Remmy even let me pose a little with him.......awwww I love you big bro!

In case you were wondering.....they tricked us with kibble to make us look at the camera!

Remmy of course had to pose by himself too@
 I found this house at the pumpkin patch. Mom keeps saying she wants a house.....maybe she should get this one!!!!

I got lost in the corn!
Good thing there was this sign to tell me where to go...Phew!

 I found this sign too......Mom says it means children are bad.....I just like to chase them!!!!