Sunday, December 9, 2012

Dear Santa...

Dear Santa,
This year I have tried so hard to be a good dog. It's just so hard when my Mom leave tasty things like cake mix (and wedding cake) out where I can reach them. I really think you should give me a break. I put up with Ocho alllllll of last year. (and believe me that was tough).

Sure he looked all sweet and innocent....

 But he was really just waiting until Mom's back was turned and then he attacked.....Sheesh good thing I made it though that!

Also....I put up with this guy! Always hanging around and butting in on my time with Mom. But I guess he's kinda cool.....So ultimately...

 I was an awesome dog who escorted Mom and John back down the aisle after they got married!  Should have seen the Deacons face when I jumped out to escort! So John gets to stay(as long as he keeps buying treats)

So Santa....While I've done some naughty things this year....I've also done some amazing things too! Please take that, and my silly golden grin into consideration when you are handing out the hedgehogs this year!


Ocho Report

Ocho is in Phase 4 now!!! 
(I may have missed blogging the week he was in phase 3....whoops smarty pants is moving to fast!)

Phase 3—Preliminary testing
Dogs are obedience tested for sit, down, heel, come, and stay with distractions. Dogs are tested for food refusal and general ease of body handling. The dogs go through their preliminary blindfold testing over approximately ten blocks.
Phase 4—Intelligent disobedience
The dogs are expected to make decisions when necessary and to work past distractions. Dogs are exposed to traffic work and learn stop, hold line, and back up on their line. New handlers come and make sure the dogs accept their body being handled by strangers. Extra socialization is given to the dogs that need it.

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