Sunday, January 3, 2016

The Parade of Roses

The back of the photos say 2002. She doesn't really remember what year it was (but look how cute and little she was) But remembers it being a ton of fun!

 Yep my Mom was in the Rose Parade with Guide Dogs for the Blind the first time they had a float.
(I think they had 2 or three) Sadly that year there was a mechanical problem on the float and they only made it through the cameras not the whole parade but Mom said it was still fun!

She even got to work on the actual float!

 And I swear the big dog is a golden.....Front and center!!! Represent!!!

Mom held a little puppy named Ingrid and sat next to the daughter of the CEO (at the time).  
Maybe one day I'll get to be on the float too with a harness on like the big dogs!!!!

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