Sunday, March 24, 2013

Leaves and Big Dog Collars

 Hi Everyone! I'm Back!!!!!!!!

 I still love leaves!

So today while I had my collar off I was playing with them!

I love to run with them in my mouth!!!!

Then John called me and told me I needed to bring my Mom my big dog collar.

Its BIG!

 But I can still run with it in my mouth!!!!

 Remmy is cute too!!!

  One last roll with a leaf!!!!!!

I've grown a lot since my last photo! This is me at 14 weeks!

This is me today!!!! I'm gigantic!!!! And am kinda looking like a real dog!!!

Ocho Report! 
Ocho is still in Phase 8
Class starts again on Monday....Maybe I'll have good news to report this week

Monday, March 18, 2013

TT and the Sprinklers

This weekend I was just minding my own business when some joker turned the sprinklers on.
Pretty tasty water though!

 Then I found something neat!

 So I stuck my nose in it

 And it EXPLODED!!!

 So I backed up and barked at it!!!!

It was an amazing day!!!!

Love you bunches,

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Tahiti and the St Patty's Parade

Hi! I'm Tahiti.  I'm visiting for the week and I get to take over the blog. I will try to do a good job!

These crazy people took me to the St Patty's Day Parade in San Francisco.
 I got to ride the BART (we couldn't find an elevator at one of the stations so my buddy Kippling and I got to get carried)

 And they dressed us up. We had crowns and bow-ties and bandanas! So embarrassing  (But I did get my photo taken by the newspaper....maybe I'll be in it tomorrow!!!!)

 It was a lot of work.... so we took a little break in Berkley and rolled in the grass on the way home.  Right before the people got yummy ice cream sandwiches.

Ocho Report!
Mr. Ocho is still in Phase 8.
Dear Ocho,
Just because your name means 8 in another language.....does not mean you need to stay in that phase eternally. Please make up your mind buddy:-)
Your Fan Club

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Happy Birthday

Dear Grandma,
Since today is a special day, we decided to use the blog to send you a message!Our original idea got scrapped because it was frying the little puppies brain too much....but we think you will like this one too!

 Love, Remmy

 Love Bratty pups named Azara!
 Phil and Peanut didn't want their photo taken.....something about rat porn and having their images stolen.....anyways....they love you too!

Hope you are having a happy birthday and got all the biscuits and bones you could ever have dreamed of!

The Ocho is still is phase 8.
Your fan club is still rooting for you golden boy!

Saturday, March 2, 2013

Beer and Puppies

 We went to Berryessa Brewery! It was fun! (Sorry about the photo quality. Mom only brought her phone)

 I begged to get just a taste of the beer. But everyone told me no, I was underage....Booooooooo!

So I gave them the sad eyes right next to the beer glass
It didn't work so I rolled over on my back and just pretended to be a DRUNK PUPPY!!!

 Afterwards we went to a friends house and they brought out a their cats bed (by the way, their cat Robin, very cool, but like Rembrandt also does not want to be my friend) The bed was a little small....
 I tried to dig it out a little to make it bigger (and found some cat food in the process...YUM)

But I just ended up with everyone laughing at me! :-(


 Oh Ocho. You are still in Phase 8!
 Your fan club here is still rooting you on!
 We miss you and would love to see you again at graduation you goofy guy!