Today we did this super fun thing!
(and don't mind the naughty thing in my middle name is naughty)
We rode in the car FOREVER (not the fun thing)
Then sat quietly while the humans ate really yummy smelling food (also not the fun thing)
But after all that boring stuff we got to go out and play in the ice cubes!
(I swear it was just like the awesome stuff from the peoples fridge BUT EVERYWHERE)
All my friends were there too!!!

Issac the majestic (but goofy)

Ellie... who always looks a little crazy when she runs!

I even got to meet Red. I swear he wants to be my friend too!

We played this game where the people would throw a white ice ball and I'd catch it....
Sometimes I missed and wanted to bring it back...BUT I COULD NEVER FIND IT!!!

Caught that one though!!!!

Snow (that's what the humans called it) is SOOOOOOOOO fun.
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